Most people receive massages in a place that is designated for massage. The environment vary, but the most common place are spa, wellness center and massage clinic. Today, massage is becoming increasingly common in other places like hospitals, rehabilitation clinics.
Well, your visit to a massage therapist in a private practice can be amazing. The experience may be different in different environment.
Before RMT Massage - What to Expect?
First of all, make sure it is a good time for you to have a RMT Massage Concord. Reschedule you visit if you have a fever. As the massage can't affect the dosage needed.
Take your time to arrive on time and relaxed. If you are in rush or stressed; it will take lot of time to get into relaxed state.
Check Your Health History
Generally, first appointments begin with an intake process, starting with health history. Generally it will ask about,
- Medical Conditions
- Areas of Concern
- Your Level of Pain
- What make you feel better and What make it worst
- Your Information and contact details
You will also likely to be asked to fill up the form with terms and conditions.
General Questions
The massage therapist will review your health history and ask some questions on it. As RMT Massage North York can affect multiple body system, so be honest with your therapist about your health.
You should also let the therapist know bot kind of drugs or medication you are taking because Hot Stone and Deep Tissue Massage can enhance or reduce the effect. So, knowing your health history, allow therapist to determine if there are any reason you should avoid massage.
Let the therapist know the area of your body you would like to work on, if there are any area to avoid. Don't be afraid to discuss any concern you have. All information you give is confidential. Stans Massage Therapy gives you the comfort you are sicking for before the RMT Massage.